5 Reasons Why Soccer Players Use Compression Garment

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When I played high-level collegiate and semi-professional soccer, I remember wearing long-sleeve compression shirts exclusively during those cold days. However, I’ve noticed more and more soccer players wearing them during games and practice sessions regardless of the weather. What are the reasons compression gear became popular?

Here are 5 reasons why soccer players use compression garments:

  1. Enhance Performance
  2. Improve Recovery
  3. Prevention Injuries
  4. Regulate the Temperature
  5. Increased Comfort

In this article, we will discuss each of the benefits: from improvement in performance and recovery times all the way to a comfortable experience, which is one of the main reasons soccer players use this kind of garment nowadays.

Table of Contents

  1. Enhance Performance
  2. Improve Recovery
  3. Prevent Injuries
  4. Regulate the Temperature
  5. Increased Comfort

Enhance Performance

One key reason soccer players choose to wear compression gear during soccer games is that they can enhance their performance on the field. This doesn’t mean compression garments help players play better.

Instead, these shirts are designed to improve blood circulation, helping the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles faster. This can result in a noticeable improvement in athletic performance.

As a soccer player runs, jumps, and sprints on the field, the compression garment works to reduce muscle damage by supporting muscles and minimizing the impact of high-intensity movements. This has been linked to a reduction in creatine kinase (CK), which is a biomarker for muscle damage.

While some studies might not show significant performance benefits when using compression gear, it’s worth noting that individual experiences may vary.

Improve Recovery

Wearing compression gear while playing soccer helps with faster recovery after matches and training sessions. One of the major benefits of compression garments is that they can aid in reducing exercise-induced muscle damage, which is important for faster recovery.

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Compression gear can enhance muscle recovery by boosting circulation and helping to remove metabolic waste products that accumulate during exercise. According to this study, wearing compression gear improved recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage in soccer players.

Additionally, compression gear can help reduce muscle soreness by providing consistent support to the affected areas. A research done on rugby players found that athletes wearing compression garments experienced less muscle soreness and fatigue compared to those who didn’t.

Another benefit is reduced swelling, which is common after intense physical activity. Since compression gear provides even pressure on the muscles, they help minimize inflammation and promote faster recovery.

When considering these benefits, it’s clear why many other soccer players opt for a compression garment. The enhanced recovery process allows players to perform better and feel more comfortable during and after games and practices.

Prevent Injuries

Injury prevention is another significant reason why soccer players choose to wear these compression garments.

While playing soccer, we often engage in high-impact and explosive exercises like jumping and sprinting. As mentioned in a previous section, wearing compression gear can help reduce the impact on our muscles and prevent damage.

Additionally, wearing compression garments can also aid in secondary injury prevention and provide relief for soccer-related injuries. According to a survey of athletes, compression garments are perceived to be beneficial in reducing injury risk and alleviating symptoms of existing injuries.

Regulate the Temperature

One major reason I wear compression shirts when playing soccer is for temperature regulation. When playing in cooler weather, compression shirts offer an additional layer of clothing that helps to keep my body warm.

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You might think soccer requires players to move and run constantly, increasing your body temperature. Hence, keeping you warm. However, compression shirts, for instance, are particularly important during those moments, such as free kicks or corner kicks, when play is paused and my body can cool down more quickly during a cold night of soccer.

In addition to providing warmth, compression garments also help to prevent sweat from accumulating on my skin. The fabric used in these garments often has wicking properties, which means it can draw moisture away from my body.

Wearing compression gear also offers some protection from the potentially harmful effects of temperature fluctuations. During the activity, muscles can generate a significant amount of heat.

This helps keep cool and comfortable while playing but also provides warmth during those cold days.

Ensuring that your body temperature remains stable can help prevent overheating or excessive cooling, which could lead to muscle injuries or reduced performance.

Increased Comfort

From my experience, one of the significant reasons soccer players wear compression shorts is for increased comfort. When I wear compression shorts during a soccer match, I feel more comfortable because it provides support and applies gentle pressure on my skin.

This helps me focus on the game without the distraction of garments moving around or chafing on my skin.

Unlike traditional playing shirts, I’ve noticed that compression shirts significantly reduce friction and don’t ride up and down as I play. This has made a considerable difference in my level of comfort on the field, helping me perform at my best for longer periods of time.

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Additionally, compression shirts help keep my body warm during exercise, training, or matches. By maintaining a consistent temperature, I find it easier to avoid strain or injury, especially during colder months.

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Andres Reales

My name is Andrés. I played for U20 Millonarios F.C academy, collegiate soccer at NCAA D2 school Lubbock Christian University, and several semi-professional soccer teams in the US such as Lubbock Matadors, Lansing United FC, Joplin Demize, Corinthians FC of San Antonio in the NPSL league. Nowadays, I write about soccer in SoccerSportZone.com and do coaching to a friend's son  when I have time from my regular job as a Software Engineer.

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